National Inquiry

 In the report of The National Inquiry into the Seperation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families, commonly known as 'Bringing Them Home' (1997), it mentions that finacial compensation be avaliable to The Stolen Generations in acknowledgment of the lack of knowledge of their human rights.  

'Bringing Them Home' responds to the effect of the damages made. It consist of:
  1. Acknowledgment and Apology to The Stolen Generation.
  2. Guarantees against repetition.
  3. Measures of repayment.
  4. Measures of rehabilitation.
  5. Finacial compensation

The Stolen Generation's Experiences - Eric's Story

Eric was  one of the many vitims of the Stolen Generation, he was aged only one when he was removed from parental care in 1957. Eventually all of his mother's children were taken away from her.
Eric, up to the age of six was placed in an institute along with his brother Kevin before they were in the care of foster parents. After the age of eleven, Eric and Kevin were under the care of an uncle and aunt. Soon after Kevin became "out of control" and was sent to a boys home. Eric's stay with his uncle and aunt, this was a nightmare for him as he bought to mind the experience of running away because he was surrounded with "too much alchol and violence", he refused to return to the care of his uncle and aunt. At seventeen Eric became a street kid, and found the only family contact, Kevin. Kevin was mixing with criminals at the time and in 1972 he disappeared, Eric could never see Kevin again as he died in police custody.

Eric relates much of his pain to his foster mother, he includes details of physical abuse and punishment that would be extremly cruel. Thoughout his childhood, Eric would wet himself and would receive punishment for it, he lived in fear of his foster mum and was too afraid when he came up infront of the welfare authorities.

When Eric recounts his life he is simply bought to tears, his most painfull hole in his life is the seperation of his family and culture. Eric feels a terrible pain of his brother's death, he feels no connection to his family and feels alone and cannot trust anyone. He, in some ways feels a desire to be closer to his family but knows that if he turns to his own people the contact is unreliable and will always end in being painful for him. Eric constantly feels afraid and is angry with his own race.
Erics story shows that the children were ripped from their families, poorley treated and alone.